On January 28, 2024, De Access Training Center proudly held the XVII Student Gathering event with the theme “SOFT SKILLS FOR THE ERA OF DIGITALIZATION” which was held at the Aston Solo Hotel with the aim of strengthening relationships between students and creating an environment that supports academic and social growth.
Digital 5.0 Skills: Navigating a Transformative Landscape Digital 5.0 represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with technology, conduct business, and navigate the complexities of the modern world. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is critical that individuals and organizations adapt and develop the skills necessary to thrive in this transformative landscape. From digital literacy to adaptability, explore the key skills essential for success in digital 5.0
This event will be an opportunity for students/prospective students from various programs and levels to meet, interact, and share their experiences at De Access Training Center. With a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, we hope that students/prospective students can get to know each other better, expand their network of friends, and build lasting relationships during their studies at this training center.
The following are some of the series of activities that will be held during the “Student Gathering Batch XVII” event:
- Campus Introduction: We begin the event with a series of opening activities designed to help students feel more comfortable and connected to each other.
- Motivation & Character Building: aims to inspire, guide, and strengthen the character and motivation of individuals in achieving their full potential. This event is designed to provide the insights, skills, and support needed to develop a strong personality and high spirits.
- Fun Games & Special Doorprize: This event also includes games, entertainment & special doorprize vouchers to stay at 5 star hotels to increase interaction between students and create a fun and positive energy atmosphere.
- Registration & Payment Commit : Building Commitment by requiring participants to register and commit to make a payment, this event builds a level of commitment and seriousness among participants. This helps the organizers gauge the level of interest and ensure that participants are invested in the success of the event. We invite all students/prospective De Access Training Center to join this “Student Gathering” event and contribute to creating a valuable experience and building a strong community among fellow students. This event will be a momentum to strengthen relationships between students, promote collaboration, and support the academic and personal growth of each individual.Thank you for your participation and support in making this event a success. We hope to see you all at our next “Student Gathering”!Greetings De Access “With Us You Can!”