Nowadays, the word entrepreneurship is very popular among the people. In Indonesian, entrepreneurship means entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship means creating your own business, either in the service or sales sector. Entrepreneurship is closely related to business. Business itself refers to a business that is running to make a profit. One of the businesses that is currently in demand is the culinary business. In doing business, of course, tips and tricks are needed as well as efforts and mature preparation to get good results. In running a business, a person is expected to have an entrepreneurial spirit and be a reliable businessman. What tips should a businessman have? Here I will tell you about training to become an entrepreneur in the culinary field. Why in the culinary field, because culinary is considered very profitable and is growing rapidly. Many people try their luck in this business sector with minimal capital knowledge and skills, as a result the business that is opened does not last long.
By following this training, it is expected that someone will get very good skills and be ready to run their business. In the training, many things are taught from basic business skills, how to manage finances to how to maintain the continuity of the business. In addition, participants are also taught how to cook, process food, cakes, and various kinds of Indonesian cuisine. All will be obtained by following this training. In addition, the short training time makes the time used efficient to quickly open a business. The training will also teach about leadership attitudes. Leadership attitudes are also needed by someone in business. Later, someone who will open their own business will have employees, leadership attitudes are needed to manage the business and the people involved in the business.