Student Orientation & Registration (SOAR) is a routine activity carried out by De Access Training Center every year. SOAR activities aim to introduce the campus environment to new students and provide socialization about academic activities for the next 1 year and stages of payment for educational investment. This SOAR activity took place on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at the Solo Paragon Hotel and Residences.
Mrs. Dra. Dwi Rahayu, M. Pd as the PAUD DIKDAS and LS Coordinator of Ngemplak District gave a very enthusiastic welcome and opened the SOAR activity by striking the gong. Mrs. Yunieta RHK Kotta, A. Md., SE. as the founder of De Access Training Center gave a welcome to the new students. And Mr. A. Kristianto Nurharjanto, A. Md., SE., M.Si. as the mentor of the Mahardika foundation also gave a welcome and motivation to the new students.
Mr. Gantara Praditya, SE. as the principal of De Access gave a very warm welcome to the new students and gave motivation that they did not make a wrong step to study at De Access, and he also advised the new students to always be enthusiastic and never give up until graduation.
This SOAR activity is carried out during the new school year. New students will meet with friends, lecturers, and De Access education staff. In addition to introducing the new environment for students, SOAR activities are also filled with motivation from Mr. Andi Wijaya, S. Th., MA. with the theme “Public Speaking & Personal Branding For Your Career” as well as Table Manner activities and materials from the Solo Paragon Hotel and Residences team. Students are taught how to use cutlery properly. Students are also very enthusiastic and excited in table manner activities.
Ms. Ayu as Finance & Accounting provided socialization regarding the stages of educational investment payments for the next 1 year. And closed by Mrs. Dilla as academic manager also provided socialization regarding the description of the academic system at De Access Training Center.
At the end of the event, a group photo was held with students. As well as a group photo according to their respective classes so that they can get to know each other and be close to each other.